Friday 29 April 2016

Enjoy Music While Swimming With The FINIS Duo

Listening to music is great for working out, as it helps elevate mood, distract from fatigue, and gives you that extra boost of motivation to keep on moving. And while there are plenty of ways to enjoy music while running, cycling, or pumping iron in the gym, there aren’t quite any options for people who take laps in the pool for exercise. At least, we thought so until the FINIS Duo came across our radar.
A music player designed for underwater use, it lets you listen to music while you swim, dive, and goof around the pool. That way, you can rock out to your favorite playlists while doing your morning swim, then try to sing along and end up swallowing a heck of a lot of water instead. Or something like that.
The FINIS Duo doesn’t quite work the same way as the iPod Shuffle you used to rock years back. Instead of headphones (which will be problematic in the water), it uses bone conduction to transmit sound your way. To use, simply clip the music player to the strap of your swimming goggles in a way that rests the backside to your cheekbone, press the playback buttons (all controls are on the outer side), and enjoy.  It’s waterproof up 3 meters and can be submerged up to 30 minutes straight, so as long as you’re not deep sea diving or retrieving pirate treasure, this should work great. Features include 4GB of onboard storage, MP3 and WMA support, and a battery rated at 7 hours of playback.
Available now, the FINIS Duo is priced at $94.99.
Check It Out

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