Saturday, 1 April 2017

Binocktails Sneaks Alcohol Inside Modern Gadgets

If you're neither an old man nor a pimp, rocking a walking cane to sneak in alcohol doesn't really fly. Hiding the secret sauce inside a common gadget, however, sounds like it can actually work. Binocktails will have you covered on this one, with their line of alcohol-sneaking devices that you can carry out in the open without arousing much suspicion.
Got a hefty appetite for drinking? Better come up with a reason to carry the Binocular Flask, a double-chambered alcohol repository that can carry a generous 16oz of booze. Styled like a regular pair of field glasses, you can hang it around your neck while attending concerts and sporting events, sparing you the hassle of having to pay stadium price for a glass of beer. Just uncork the eyepieces and drink to your heart's content.  Burp.
For those who'd just like a little sauce to spice up a lazy afternoon in class, you can carry either the 5oz Bev-Cam (which looks like a cheap-ass Casio Exilim ripoff) or the 3oz-capacity Bev-Burry (which actually looks like a 5-year old Nokia candybar). Since they're more casual handheld gadgets that pretty much everyone carries around, you can literally bring them anywhere without attracting attention. Heck, you can go to church and Mrs. Greta who's sitting right next to you won't be the wiser. Unless she smells your cheap whiskey breath, of course. Eeew.

Carry all three together and you can be looking at 24oz of your favorite poison - enough to keep you going for a couple hours in a club without having to fork out $10 for crappy beer and $15 for a shot of erstwhile cheap vodka. Prices are listed at $12.99, $16.99 and $10.99 for the Bev-Cam, the Binocular Flask and the Bev-Burry, respectively.
[more at Binocktails]
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